Hello big mama! This is a belly going into w 33 dear family and friends :) Had another ultrasound last week and the doctors could happily confirm that everythings is looking perfekt! I dont have to have another checkup and should be able to give birth normally :) Good news aye!

Just had to throw in a picture of our cute boys :) They love to cuddle up next to each other! Or let me re-phrase that - Cash loves to snuggle up against Boston! And Boston have more or less had no other option than to accept that!
Skönt att allt var bra! Vad högt upp magen ligger, som en kula rakt ut! :)
Heja! Nu är målet nära! Du ser jättefin ut och jag hoppas du fortfarande mår bra :) kram Anette ÅStröm