
Sorry for the absence

The last weeks have been filled with joy and sorrow so unfortunately the time spend updating the blog has been minimal. Gonna do my best to fill you guys in on whats been happening :) Well starting off with the good stuff - we have finally moved into our own place Yay! Its still a mess and unorganised but at least its our mess so it doesnt matter!

Our new place doesnt have a big bath so Klara is back where she started- in the small one! But she doesnt seem to mind it - she loves having a bath. Cant wait for some warm summer days so we can blow up the pool for her outside :)

We have been visting many different playgrounds and suprise suprise - Klara loves it haha going down the slide is a favourite and playing in the sand is another.

The swings used to be a bit scary but not anymore. And hello tooth nr 5! Nr 6 and 7 is almost here too so there is alot happening!

Now to the sad thing. Me and Matt took the heartbreaking decision to put our sweetheart Boston to sleep last week. He has not been well over a long period of time and when this started to affect his mind we decided that this was the best thing to do before anything terrible would happen. For those that knows us well they know that Boston was our little baby, and we have truly been devistated that it had to end like this. He was such a good dog and has taught us so much about ourselves. Living down in Enköping he was what kept me company when Matt was away and he would come every where with us - if he couldnt come - we wouldnt go ;)
There has been many tears and the house feels extremly quite without him but we know he is in a better place now.

Poor Cash who has never been alone, has also been very down the last few days. We try to cheer him up and ourselfs as well because life moves on!