Time just flies and there is no time for the blogg... sorry :) So here are a few photos of what we have been up to lately.

Matts stepmum Donna came and saw us, she stayed for whole 23 days and spoiled us rotten with presents, baking and her awesome cooking! So great to have her here!

The dogs must have their walks :)

Sweden vs Malta in Rugby 15's

The swedish team lining up - Matt was proud to start!

Matt in action - nr 2 on the sideline! The score? Sweden won with 24-13 and Matt scored 1 try!

Bath-time! Klara really enjoys them now :)

The boys also wanted to go for a swim :) Water was freezing but Boston didnt seem to mind... funny that since he's been terrified before :)

Walks in the forest

And off course lots of snuggles and giggels :)

We even had visitors from Norrland - nana, aunties and cousins wanted to have a cuddle to with their newest family member.

Altea and Isa checking out their little cousin :)

Auntie Sara and Klara

We had a great time - visited Skansen, Sigtuna and even shopping in Uppsala! So now the house is empty empty and we look forward to next time they come!