
Hej mitt vinterland.

10 am and this is as light as it gets today. Tomorrow is the darkest day of the year and then it slowly turns a bit lighter every day. The darkness has always got to me in the past but not this year. Maybe because this dark winter we are spending where we want to be, amongst family and friends ♥


Made it!

Yea we finally made it - and just before the snowstorm hit sweden too! Left enköping at 18.30 at night and knocked on mums door at 4am...  not too bad of a 800 km drive when you got an overloaded trailer, 2 dogs and a 8,5 month child.
So now we are here and everything is just the same, -17 one day and +1 the other... :) but its so nice to finally be closer to friends and family. now we just gotta sell the house so we can shift all our things up and look for a place of our own!


The best medicine

We have had a very sick baby girl at home, Klara has caught her first real cold with rather high fever, a runny nose and eye infection. She is finally on the road to recovery and is helping mum and dad with all the packing, in preparation for the big move north.


8 months

8 months ago since this angel landed ;) Celebrated by visiting a daycare and sang a few songs!


The most beautiful girl. In the world.


Is there anything better than snuggles with dad?


Nothing stops me now

Look what I found :) A hairy obsticle

Doesnt stop me tho...

..I´ll just go over it!

Getting there!


Every day

Every day Klara learns something new now, she crawles faster that mum likes and starting to stand up holding on to things which gives dad heartattacks :) Had a few bumps and cries allready and Im thinking there will be a few more along the way. Thinking of investing in a crash helmet... Im pretty sure I heard the magic words - mum - the other day too! Her old toys are boring - dirty shoes, a hairy dogs tail or electrical plugs are so much more fun ;)
So except from keeping an eye on this little angel we are busy busy sorting out the house, its now been put out for sale. check it out at http://www.hemnet.se/bostad/villa-4rum-enkopings-kommun-husby-sjutolfts-savsta-38-3040475
This sunday there will be a showing, so we cross our fingers and hope the future owner will be there then!


Morning cuddles

Is there anything better than cuddling on the floor in the early hours of the morning? Some people might prefer sleeping but not in this house :)
Oh thats right - we are coming home!! Watch out Skellefteå!


Stay away...

...cold winter! Im enjoying this autumn way too much! We can take long walks on the countryside and watch out for deers..

...or putt this beautiful princess on the stomach and take a stroll in the forest and look at all the colorful leafs !So stay away please- a few more weeks!


The weekend that passed we took the time to finish of the veranda. Turned out pretty good if I may say so. Now there is just a few little things to fix around the house and then its ready to be sold!

Boston and Klara was chearing us on from the sideline!


best times

Hanging out with mum all day is pretty awsome but there is something special when daddy comes home from work. We cuddle and play all night long :) its just the bestest time!


Bathing time

Klara loves her bathing time, she has now discovered how much the water splaches when you hit it...  not as fun for mum tho :) Think its time for the big bath soon!

A clean and happy princess


Another visit.

This week we had another visit to look forward to! Sister Sara finally finished her course and celebrated by coming down on a shopping/cuddlingKlara-trip! So thats what we did - shopped... a lot for some.. but mostly we cuddled♥

Klara was happy to see her auntie, its been a while!

Mum and dad even had a chance to put on their bestest (!!) outfits and attend a wedding. We had such a nice evening with lots of nice food, music and friends! 

Babygirl was missed tho when she stayed home with auntie Sara. Both of then behaved superb tho so we were never worried!


Out on adventure

Im pretty fast now, no one is safe when im on the move :) Mum better remember to put that waterbowl away...

Look what I found, a satellite dish? Or a sad puppy?

You allright there mate?

Dont worry, you'll feel better soon! One more week then you can get ride of this thing!


Love you

Go All Blacks

The two kiwis in the house had a very exiting weekend - All Blacks could finally bring home that trophy after a 24 year long wait. Klara did what she could to show her support (thank you Shay for her cool tshirt)



Its been a full-on week when mum came to visit for a few days. We even found ourself with a babysitter, so for the first time in a very long time we went out for dinner without Klara. However - we couldnt stay away for long haha  

Had to go shopping offcourse, Klara enjoyed her first visit to Barnens hus (big children shop) :)

Cash lost his precious parts... a very sad dog he was that evening.

Someone else had a chop too.



..things are coming to an end! Its been a long process but we are very happy with the end result! But why does it take so long to complete those small things? That last list, that last screw or paint that last side of the garage? Thank you Donna for painting the rest :)


best friends

Hey just me and my buddy Boston hanging out

love you man

He sure has the bestest ears to pull on

bloody slippery tho those things...
haha gotcha again!


Missing one.

Matt just left for work and we wont see him until saturday afternoon. Tonight he is heading north for jobinterviews! So all you norrland folks - håll tummarna!
Since the rugby has fallen to the wayside this year we are used to always having him here with us, these few days are going to be lonely... We´ll miss you hun!



You wait - soon I'll be running in my cool pink chucks! Poor mum and dad then... ;)


new floors

Last week the insurance company finally forfilled their promise to fix our floors after the break-in! About time some people could say considering it happend last xmas... Anyway - better late than never! Because it would take 3 days until we could enter the house again we went camping insted :) All paid for off course!
Klara checking out our cabin
The boys enjoyed a different scenory
Nice to spend some time by the water

Should have brought the bikini... it was like summer returned for a few days

Mostly we just cuddle all day - home or away

Finally we could return home to newly polished floors! The weather was still so awsome so we just went for more walks insted!


6 months ♥♥

 6 months since our angel came to us :)


what a weekend

 What a great weekend we have had :) Had friends over for brunch on saturday and watched All Blacks kick the French teams ass in Rugby World Cup! Just see how happy Klara was over that victory :) She is a real kiwi!
 Klara was eating lots of majskrokar... with her whole face :)
 Lots of cuddles with the boys on the mat while dad was outside finishing of the last bits on the house. Soon...
Enjoyed long walks in the beautiful weather
This is the best view tho :)