A few weekends ago I headed up north! Its not every day my big sister Linda turns the big 3 - 0!! Here the birthday girls herself poses with her daughter Isa.

A big family gathering was ahead of us! Luckily Linda and Anders new house was finished so we could visit that at the same time.

Lots of people calles for alot of cookies!!
Fika as we say in Sweden!

hmm no comment

Dad playing with the girls.

Sara and Isa - whom by the way turned 1 on the 5/10 !! Congrats!

Relatives start rolling in.

Kids everywhere.

Auntie Britt couldt resist Lindas baking - too good!

Emma and her globetrotting cousin Ida. New Zealand - you better take care of here - again!

Whats a party without singstar?? next time we'll beat them Sara - gotta practise :)
Overall I had a great weekend with my family, but it was nice coming home to my own boys in Enköping ♥♥