
lazy weekend.

Tjena! Another weekend has passed and since there was no game we had a cruzy time together :)

Spend alot of time outdoor, sunbading, walking in the forest, going shopping, training, eating cake - you name it!

We even had vistitors for a bbq!

So gorgeous! And they are playing so good together!

Time to go to bed, an early morning awaits since the good times are over now! Its back to work for Mattie!



All Cash wants to do is be close to Boston. At first he stayed in his own corner tho... waiting...

Then slowly creeping closer and closer

Finally he was allowed to share Boston's prime spot - the couch! Victory!!

Now you cant keep them apart - like peas and carrots :)


Cash has arrived!

Hi! Im Cash, nice to meet you!

Hello there :)
Wait for me!

Coming to a new place is exhausting!!
Cash has been such a good boy, didnt cry once in the car home and he seems to be enjoying living in the country so far :)



Yes we are alive and kicking. Busy setting up everything in the house tho and no internet yet. When everything is sorted there will be photos :)
Until then - take care! Puss puss